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An Official Pennsylvania Government Website


Broadband Ready Communities (BBRC)

To increase support and opportunity for broadband infrastructure investment within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) has developed the Broadband Ready Communities (BBRC) Program.

The goal of this Program is to reduce procedural, policy, and permitting barriers to broadband deployment at the municipal level and to encourage broadband infrastructure investment within participating PA communities.

Participation in the BBRC Program will designate a participating municipality as a Broadband Ready Community and highlight the work they have completed to improve broadband infrastructure implementation efficiency within the commonwealth. While participation in the BBRC Program is optional, it is encouraged.

Reference the BBRC Program guidelines for additional details or the BBRC Frequently Asked Questions (also available in a printable PDF format).

How to Participate

To be designated as a Broadband Ready Community, complete the following steps:

    1. PBDA recommends viewing the recording of the BBRC Program webinar (PowerPoint available for reference) prior to submitting your application to the program. The BRRC webinar will provide an overview of the guidelines and answer questions related to the Program.
    2. Complete the Broadband Ready Communities Questionnaire.
    3. Complete and submit a Municipal Resolution, found at the end of the Program guidelines.

Additional Resources

Broadband Ready Communities (BBRC) Fact Sheet

The application period is open from April 8 through December 31, 2024.

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